Brandi Morales Brandi Morales

My Doula Was Brandi Morales of Barefoot Birth : Part 3 | Tampa Bay Doula

"After meeting with Brandi, I was confident that she could provide much more support than our previous experience, and she was able to answer all of my questions with ease, demonstrating to me she had plenty of birth experience. We met several times in advance to go over my birth preferences and for her to get to know me and my husband. I was impressed by her honesty, openness, and calmness."

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Brandi Morales Brandi Morales

My Doula Was Brandi Morales of Barefoot Birth : Part 1 | Tampa Bay Doula

I'm so glad I had Brandi as my doula. I had a successful HBAC (Home Birth After Cesarean) at 41+6. She was such great support to my whole family. It's been 5 weeks and my 3.5 year old still talks about her. It was such a great familiar experience. If you're lucky enough to have her, you will love her!

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Birth Stories Charlie Rae Birth Stories Charlie Rae

two boys, two totally different births. {Tampa Bay Doula}


This story comes to us from a lovely family Charlie had the honor to walk with through their second birth journey as their doula. Sarah's stories are that of trauma, heartache, determination, and ultimately strength. Through everything, this family has navigated bumps in the road with so much knowledge and peace knowing that they were in control (even when they were not!)  We love to point out that this also shows that doula support is not just for unmedicated vaginal birth! Doulas support families through all sorts of events surrounding childbearing and parenthood.

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Placenta Encapsulation charlie rae young Placenta Encapsulation charlie rae young

Raw Placenta Encapsulation {Tampa Bay Placenta Encapsulation}

Unlike the Traditional Chinese Medicine preparation of the placenta (see previous blog about TCM encapsulation), we do not steam the placenta with herbs during this raw encapsulation process. We forgo the steaming to save the vital nutrients and hormones that may be depleted once the placenta has heated to above 118 degrees. This method follows the general “Raw Foods” rule that nothing should be headed beyond 118 degrees or vital enzymes are lost.  This is not to say one method is better than the other, just that you have several options for encapsulation and should choose the method that best suits your needs and preferences.

Women have called these capsules “happy pills” and report phenomenal energy levels while taking them. Raw placenta is extremely high in hormones such as progesterone and oxytocin. Midwives have traditionally used fresh placenta to stop bleeding immediately postpartum by slicing off a piece of the maternal side and having the mother put this between her cheek and gums. The high hormone levels cause the uterus to close down and bleeding is diminished.

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