Holding Space for Emiliana | St Pete Home Birth Story
When families take good care of themselves during pregnancy it is rare we have to step in as midwives to intervene in the normal process. This mama took excellent care of herself prenatally and knew after a disappointing first birth in a local hospital she wanted to take her care into her own hands this time around.
"It was just after 1:00 am when I started having some dull aches and tugs. They were very mild and I quickly fell back to sleep. Over the next couple of hours I was up and down. It must have been the anticipation that this could be labor because the sensations were still very dull. I text my husband Joe and told him what was going on since he was still at work. When he got home and came to bed he asked me if he should stay up. I told him "I'm going to sleep, nothing is happening so you should too." With our son he asked who was going to deliver him since it was the middle of the night. Haha! I woke at 6:30 to have coffee and some quiet time before my toddler got up. When he woke up we made breakfast and spent the morning together.
I got Joe up around 8:30 and told him we should get the hose on for the tub and the plastic down. I called Charlie and gave her a heads up. I told her the contractions were about 5 minutes apart, but very dull and not lasting too long. She said to call her in an hour. It could be prodromal or "you could be having a baby today." More than an hour past before I called her back. She had her car packed and was ready to come when i needed her. Not long after the second phone call, I was stopped in my tracks. I told her it was a bit more intense and she was on her way! I called my mom and best friend (Elisha) to come over. This was it. My daughter's birthday would be today! Once everyone got to the house I went for a walk to move things along.
That really helped. I spent a lot of time laboring on the toilet. It was the easiest and most comfortable way to deal with the pressure. I finally decided to move to the birth tub. All I can say is that tub was amazing!! I rode out the waves for another hour before I started to feel a lot of building pressure. The tub was cool and Charlie suggested I could try to get out and sit on the toilet to see if that would help.
One intense contraction on the way and one push on the toilet. My water broke and bam! Baby was ready to come out. I remember Charlie telling me to scoot down. I think she thought I'd have the baby right there on the toilet. I wanted to move though, but couldn't walk. I needed help to the bed and fell right over on to my back. Joe was in shock that her head was already right there! My body completely took over and within minutes my daughters head was born with her hand against her cheek! Charlie asked if I could push again. She was trying to cry. I couldn't. She was calm as could be and held space for me in a way no one else can. A couple pushes later and my daughter was born and in my arms. Emiliana's birth was truly amazing. It's incredible what our bodies can do."