VBAC Options in Tampa Bay: It is Your Vagina, After All.
“Once a cesarean, always a cesarean” is what was once told to women who have had cesarean births. Depending on who you talk with these days, we’ve noticed old protocols and practices die hard.
Rally to Improve Birth 2013 -- {Tampa Bay Home Birth}
So many amazing families braved the heat to rally together to raise awareness about birth options today, and Barefoot Birth was proud to attend! We got to chat with mamas and papas while their kiddos colored our Barefoot Birth themed coloring book pages!
Let's not fuel the fire. Something important may burn down. {Tampa Bay Midwife}
war of childbirth ethics in our own Tampa Bay community made national news this week: a war over one woman's birth journey, a war between the right to informed consent to care and the medical system within which that right exists. A war that many women across the country (and now the globe) have added their voices to. However they have only heard one media-sensationalized side of a personal story.