Barefoot Herbals is bringing back their much loved event, Wine & Steam! Learn all about the vaginal steaming and what different herbs can be used, all over a few glasses of wine! Attendees will learn how to prepare and use a vaginal steam and we will all try it out together in a relaxed atmosphere.
Some of the benefits of Vaginal Steaming include:
~The steamed herbs work to nourish, heal, and bring in oxygenated blood to the tissues.
~Promotes natural cleansing and tones the reproductive organs
~Promotes complete emptying of the uterus after each menstrual cyle
~Can help to promote fertility
~Regulates reproductive hormones
~Alleviate BV and yeast
~Relieve pain associated with fibroids, PCOS, PMDD, painful menstruation, endometrosis and many other reproductive condtions
~Helps promote healing of tissue from tearing or episiotomies during the postpartum period
You will also be given a pack of Yoni Steam Herbs to take home afterward. We will be serving wine and appetizers at the event.
The cost of attendance is $25
You may register for the workshop by paypaling the fee to or bringng the fee by the Community Roots Collective and paying at Barefoot Herbals.
Please send all questions to
Hope to see you there!
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