Our goals for childbirth education are for parents and their support network to gain confidence in the body's process of labor and birth, an awareness of common practices, policies, and possible interventions for a variety of birth settings, and lastly, a connectedness to the potential for a creative, positive, and meaningful birth experience. Whether you plan to be at home, birthing center, or hospital, you can benefit from honest guidance. 

Who should be taking our Childbirth Classes?

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Childbirth Education Classes at Barefoot Birth

Taking a birth class has many benefits including increased confidence in labor, higher likelihood of breastfeeding, improved communication between the childbearing woman, her partner and her care provider, decreased need for analgesic medication in labor and increased satisfaction with the birth experience. We believe that education helps you to trust your body and build your confidence in its ability to birth your baby.

Barefoot Birth offers a variety of childbirth classes that will help you feel more confident and prepared for the arrival of your baby. Taught by certified childbirth educator, Rachel Crissman, our clients are required to attend the following classes.

Whole Health for your Pregnancy
This class is focused on pregnancy nutrition, exercise and mental preparation for having the healthiest pregnancy and birth possible! We will discuss how diet, exercise and mindset can affect your pregnancy and birth. We will also thoroughly cover relaxation and its impact on labor progress. Applying the techniques learned in class you will feel less stress, more energy and increased joy in your pregnancy. Ideally this class will be taken before 18 weeks, but it is never too late to apply these principles, even in your third trimester.

Optimal Fetal Positioning and Preparing your Birth Space
In this class we will cover the importance of optimal fetal positioning and ways we can encourage baby throughout pregnancy to be in the best position possible for birth. Along with this we will discuss how chiropractic, massage and doulas can enhance your birth experience. We will also cover tests and procedures you can expect in the coming weeks. Finally we will discuss your birth space and how to prepare your home and mind for the birth of your baby. This class is ideal to take between 15-25 weeks of pregnancy, but can be taken anytime through your last trimester.

Stages and Phases of Labor
In this class we will thoroughly cover the stages and phases of labor. Know when to call your midwife, what to expect as labor progresses and unique ways your partner can help assist you in early and active labor and throughout the birth. This class will ideally be taken between 28 and 35 weeks.

When the Unexpected Happens
While we all expect you to have the beautiful homebirth you've been imagining, sometimes situations arise when transfer is necessary. We will cover situations that may require transfer to a hospital or different care provider both prenatally and during labor. Knowing what to expect in these situations will help you to not fear transfer when it is needed and you will know what you can expect. Included in this will be induction techniques and medical pain management options. This class is ideal for patients between 28-35 weeks

Post-Partum Preparations
Congratulations! You have a beautiful baby! Now what? In this class we will cover the immediate postpartum period including delayed cord clamping, newborn procedures, skin to skin contact and breastfeeding. We will discuss your postpartum recovery, preparing to add another person to your family and warning signs to look for postpartum depression. This class can be taken anytime after 30 weeks.

Refresher Class
This class is designed for couples planning their second (or third or fourth…) out of hospital birth. This class will give you a chance to focus on this baby and this birth, discuss your fears, concerns and questions you may have. We will also cover Barefoot Birth’s transfer and postpartum procedures. This class will be offered quarterly.

Classes are held every week for 5 weeks on Thursday evenings from 7-9:30pm at the Community Roots Collective unless otherwise notated. Please check the link below for upcoming class times or email Rachel Crissman at rachel.crissman@gmail.com.

Classes are held at The Community Roots Collective in Tampa Heights!
Please check out our Facebook Event Page and get in touch for more details!