Katelyn's Home Birth Story | Tampa Bay Home Birth

All the way back before I even got pregnant I would read beautiful birth stories and so when I got pregnant with my first I didn’t for once think I wouldn’t have an amazingly beautiful birth. Well, it all went to hell in a handbasket when I had to be induced due to decreased fetal movements. It was a hard, long labor that became scary when the baby’s heart rate dropped and didn’t come back up. I was rushed to an emergency c-section. It never even crossed my mind that I would have to have a section during my pregnancy. Ricky was fine once earth side but I was crushed that I didn’t have the magical birth I so desired. It was a hard recovery so I knew that for any future children I was NOT going to have another section. Eighteen months later I found out i was pregnant with baby #2, a girl, my Katie Rose. I had to travel over an hour away for my appointments because local doctors were afraid of vbacs. I went on to have a successful vbac. Labor was about 6 hours but that birth was traumatic in it’s own way. I was on edge the entire time in the hospital so when I felt the slightest urge to push I did, and I pushed without contractions causing her to come too quickly and I got torn in half, literally. I had severe, deep internal and external grade 4 tears and needed surgical repair 4 days postpartum. That recovery was just as rough as my c-section. I was stoked that I got my vbac but still mourned not having the “ideal” birth I had pictured in my head.
This was a surprise pregnancy and I was caught very off guard by it. I was extremely happy to be having another baby but a little fearful of the birth itself. I explored all my options from local hospitals and considered making the drive down to Tampa again but the thought of a hospital birth and the potential of interventions again scared me and put me on edge immediately. I knew Erica from contacting her with my second birth regarding info on doulas. I had also spoken to her many times since at community events so I knew she was a midwife with Barefoot Birth. This was a hard pregnancy on me. Baby was healthy but I suffered from hyperemesis all the way up until I gave birth. The added stress of buying our first house and moving 3 weeks before my due date was not helping either.
I was having a lot of prodromal labor the last few weeks. So much that I thought i was starting active labor more than a few times. The night of September 9th I was having the usual contractions but these were much more intense. I didn’t get much sleep with the contractions coming every 10 minutes but by the time morning rolled around they petered out. I went to the chiropractor that morning, still having irregular, strong contractions. My chiropractor adjusted my hips and as soon as he did that I had the longest, strongest contraction of my life. The chiropractor was fairly certain i would have the baby that day. I went home and ate something and played with my two year old. Around 12 after my preschooler got home my contractions were picking up and I could tell that “this was it.” I called Erica to let her know what was happening. She said she was in Tampa finishing up an appointment and will be heading back to spring hill soon but to keep her updated. I then called my in-laws to come get my two older kids. Then my husband at work, I told him to get his butt home. After that I called my mom, doula, and photographer. My doula and photographer both live almost 2 hours away so I was praying they would get here in time. After my husband got home he did some last minute straightening up. My next bathroom trip I noticed my bloody show. I called Erica because that was one of the things she said to call if it happened. Awesome progress and she would be with me shortly. Contractions were still 4 mins apart but very very intense. I decided that it was time to get into the bath to see if I could calm things down until my birth team got there. About 30 minutes later my doula got to my house. She just so happens to also be one of my very close friends and I was extremely relieved to see her face. Thirty minutes later Erica got to my house and that's when my contractions kicked up to 2 minutes apart. Soon after that my mom arrived. It was around 3 in the afternoon and I was hungry. I managed to get down a couple of crackers with peanut butter and a few bites of a banana. Bennet arrived around 3:30 and I was getting nervous about my photographer not making it as she got stuck in traffic on the interstate. I labored for another hour and at this point the baby had the hiccups and that movement during contractions was extremely uncomfortable. Somewhere around this time my water broke. That was the craziest feeling ever. My water was ruptured artificially with my other two births.
I felt like when each person on my birth team arrived I relaxed a little bit more. So when my photographer arrived about 5pm I was able to completely let go and breath the baby down more. It was just before 6 and I was exhausted and frustrated, just ready to have this baby. I felt like he was never going to come which I said out loud and everyone had a good laugh at that. Erica suggested we change locations from the tub to the bed. I got to my knees to get up and bam! Baby was ready to make his appearance. The involuntary urge to push I had in that moment scared me and I started to panic. The feeling of not being in control really freaked me out. My doula/best friend was able to calm me down and I was able to get on top of the contractions again. Still on hands and knees the next contraction he was crowning and out popped his head. I breathed until the next contraction hit and two pushes later he was out! I caught him and raised him to my chest and I had a moment of euphoria. I couldn't believe I did it and not in a hospital! He was here and perfect.
I was afraid of the extent of the damage done but I was pleasantly surprised that I only had a couple of first degree tears and didn't require stitches! Jefferson is my biggest baby at 8lbs 6oz and 20.5 inches. I finally got a magical birth like the ones I've read for so many years. I know without a doubt that if we have anymore babies down the line that I still strive for a home birth again. I cannot thank Erica and Bennett enough for their support and the confidence they gave me to have an out of hospital birth, my best friend/doula for keeping me grounded in my moment of panic, my mom for supporting my decision of home birth even though she wasn't completely comfortable with it, my photographer for getting these amazing photos, and my husband for being my rock.